Health monitoring is a way to check if the health of workers is being harmed from exposure to substances hazardous to heath while carrying out work, and aims to detect early signs of ill-health or disease.
What is involved in a worksite lung function test ?
Work history & respiratory questionnaire
Lung function test
Explanation of results
Assess type, use and care of respirators
Provide company report including any recommendation
Medical referrals
Who should have it ?
All employees who are exposed to airborne hazards, e.g. dusts, powders, metal fume, solvent vapor, asbestos & silica particles.
Why is it done ?
Provide a baseline record on commencement of new role/job
Monitor lung function for declining results & look for trends in work groups.
Results help confirm effectiveness of controls.
Identify and assist workers with reduced lung function.
Helps to determine who requires medical review prior to respirator use.
Good health and safety practice, compliance
Applicable legislation/guidelines regarding workplace lung function testing and respiratory protection.
AS/NZS 1715
Health and Safety at Work (General Risk and Workplace Management) Regulations 2016
Workplace Exposure Standards and Biological Exposure Indices.

What is involved in a worksite hearing test ?
Work history & questionnaire
Check ear canals, conduct hearing test
Explain results
Check fit, use and care of hearing protectors
Provide a company report and any recommendations
Medical referrals
Who should have it ?
All employees who are exposed to noise levels greater than LAeq,8h, of 85 dB(A); and a peak noise level, Lpeak, of 140 dB
Why is it done ?
Provide a baseline record and to track any progressive hearing loss
Look for hearing loss trends in work groups, reassess effectiveness of controls
Identify and assist workers struggling with communication due to hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in ears)
Good health and safety practice, compliance
Applicable legislation/guidelines regarding workplace hearing conservation requirements.
AS/NZS 1269.3 and AS/NZS 1269.4
Approved Code of Practice, Management of noise in the workplace.
Health and Safety at Work (General Risk and Workplace Management) Regulations 2016
Health and Safety in Employment Regulations 1995.

Vision Screening
Monitoring your workers vision is important for those doing jobs that have a visual component. Early identification and prevention of vision loss enhances workplace job performance, safety and productivity.
What is involved in a worksite vision test ?
Vision health/history questionnaire
Vision test for: near, distance, visual field, depth perception, and red/green color identification
Explanation of results
Provide a company report and any recommendations.
Medical referrals
When should testing be done ?
Person doing:
High computer use and reading
Work on detailed componentry or machinery
Where red/green colors are used, e.g. wiring, ground markings and boundary pegs
Jobs with known eye health hazards, e.g. lasers, Infrared, chemical vapors
Why do it ?
Provides a baseline record for future reference
Determines who requires medical review
Safety on the job, is person fit for work
Look for trends in groups and review controls
Good health and safety practice, compliance
Applicable legislation/guidelines regarding workplace eye protection.
AS/NZS 1337 – Personal eye protection standards
Health and Safety at Work (General Risk and Workplace Management) Regulations 2016
Health and Safety at Work Act, 2015

Blood Pressure
Blood pressure recordings are offered during workplace pre-employment and baseline health assessments and sometimes annually depending on individual companies health programs.
As a large proportion of the population are in the workplace it is a great opportunity to offer a blood pressure check.
The workplace may become a safer and more productive place due to identification, education and possible treatment of at risk individuals.